Calle Lanzarote

How Autoreisen solved a broken wing mirror

Damaged wing mirror on a hire car on LanzaroteWe have praised Autoreisen on Lanzarote before for their low prices.  Now we also have a reason to praise their good service.

On our last visit to Lanzarote we were unfortunate enough to “lose” the glass in the wing mirror on the driver’s side of the hire car.

Having brought the car back to the airport we were told that we would get a replacement car and that we should go to the garage, located underneath the main car park.  The office would let them know that we were coming.

And they did just that, because when we arrived in the garage they were expecting us.

We had to fill out a form with a description of the problem with the car, and after a short wait is replaced with a different one.  The replacement even turned out to be bigger!

The damaged car was driven off to be repaired before we even had a chance to get into the replacement one.

I can honestly say that the problem of the damaged mirror was taken very seriously, and they provided an excellent and customer-oriented service.

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