Calle Lanzarote

Posts Tagged ‘Ron Miel’

Transporting bottles

Thursday, March 17th, 2011

A bottle of Ronmiel sealed for transitThe decision to bring a bottle of Ronmiel back from Lanzarote with us posed a problem – how to get it home with us.

With enough time, we may have arranged some form of packaging and risked the glass bottle in the middle of one of our suitcases.

But without this option and since the ban on liquids in hand luggage stopped us taking a bottle with us that way, we resigned ourself to trying to get one properly sealed in the airside part of Arrecife airport.

“Resigned”, because on our previous visit we had tried to buy something else there and had been unable to get the purchase sealed for transit.

The rule appears quite simple to me: anything you buy that contains liquids must be sealed in a special plastic bag along with the receipt.

Except that it obviously took a while for the merchants at the airport to adapt to this system – and invest in the equipment to do so.

“We don’t have the machine” and “you don’t need to do that when you fly from here” were the answers we encountered.  That’s all well and good if you are on a direct flight, but since we would be going through the transit lounge in Madrid, I did not want to take the risk of having everything taken back off us again, and we gave up.

So with Ronmiel in our sights, on our last visit we tried again.  This time we actually found a shop called “Sibarium” in the airport that was able to seal the bottle as required for transit and our cherished Ronmiel made it safely via Madrid back to Germany without any problems.


Thursday, March 10th, 2011

RonmielI suspect that the first time I drank Ronmiel was at the Simposio restaurant in Puerto del Carmen – now sadly closed.  At the very least, it was there that I discovered what the drink was called.

Ronmiel is a blended mixture of rum (ron) and honey (miel), and is often served as a drink when paying the bill at a restaurant.  Produced in the Canary islands, it has, as you may expect, a sweet taste.

Our enquiries about it were met with the advice to enjoy it whilst on Lanzarote, but not to try and replicate the atmosphere with it back at home.  The taste, apparently, is just not the same as when it is served chilled whilst enjoying a warm sea breeze.

In a way, I have to agree.  But that still did not stop us buying a bottle to enjoy on warm summer evenings whilst airside in the airport to take home with us.  But that’s another story.

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